These regal and mystical stones are physic power busters & a source of spiritual bliss.
Purple crystals are connected to the third eye and crown chakra. The third eye is our connection to our well of inner wisdom and that deep soul felt intuition. The crown chakra is our highest energy point & is all about manifestation, connection, and finding your true purpose in life.
Purple stones are all about soothing energy, deep dreams, and transcending.
They are excellent tools for those who suffer from headaches or insomnia. These gems can help ease the intensity of depression, can soften the sharp edges of anxiety, and can help the body to heal too.
These gems are full of joy and keep you from embittered toxic thoughts or negative behaviour patterns.
For those who are drawn to the spiritual powers of purple stones, there are so many out there ready to help you. Whether you want the lullaby of lavender Amethyst or the sunny sweetness of Ametrine, picking the gem that works for you is all about intuition and guidance from the universe. There is no right or wrong crystal to welcome into your life. In fact, all crystal experts say that the stone you choose is the one you are drawn to for a reason. Maybe your body is crying out for calm, perhaps your mind craves a crown cleanse, or your spirit wants to leap higher.
Choose the stone that calls to you or buy one of our beautiful crystal mobiles with a variety of stunning purple stones
If you have any questions, or comments, we’d love to hear from you. Your feedback is always appreciated!