Green Crystals - The stone of healing, balancing emotions & abundance

Green Crystals - The stone of healing, balancing emotions & abundance

Green Crystals - The stone of healing, balancing emotions & abundance

Green is the colour of the grass & trees, but it’s also the colour of money. So it’s appropriate that green crystals are often used for manifesting abundance, wealth, and fortune, as well as to support your growth.

Because of its connection to nature , green is known for its calming power and for helping us to feel connected to this earth we inhabit. Associated with the heart chakra – one of the most important chakras for building our sense of hope, love, trust, and nurturing relationships that heal.

Green gems bring a flush of health to your cardiovascular system. These stones strengthen the heart, the lungs, and the whole respiratory system too so that you can breathe deeper and easier. These gems also encourage deep restorative sleep, peace in place of anxiety, and a calmer mindset which is good for your all-round health and wellbeing.

Green gems also bring a burst of vitality for those feeling low in energy – green gems empower your health (along with your mind), giving you a renewed sense of strength.

Which gem you are drawn to is a personal choice and one based on intuitive wisdom and need. Each green gem shimmers with its own powers – some bring good luck and material gain and others stoke that connection to nature and nurture love. Find one that calls to you and fill your cup right up with these glimmering gems of green…


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